How to Deal with COVID-19 Stress
April 1, 2020
Why Cats Need Their Claws
May 2, 2020While we are already in the middle of a crisis, it’s never too late to make an emergency preparedness plan for your pet. We hope you are taking excellent care of yourself and we know you are taking great care of your pet. But if you do get sick, you will want to be ready for your pet.
Stay home. As long as you are well, please keep your pets at home with you where they’re most comfortable and can bring you comfort as well. According to the CDC, there is no evidence that people can get COVID-19 from pets. The best place for your animal is the same as the best place for you: inside the home you know and love.
Ask for help. If you are too ill to care for your pet or you need to be hospitalized, have a plan. Is there anyone else in your home who will help? Maybe a neighbor, friend, coworker or family member who could take them in? Even a groomer, daycare or boarding facility may be able to help in your time of need. Today is the perfect time to establish a pet plan (and a backup plan) and talk directly with those people so they’re prepared in case they’re called to action.
Prep a pet kit. Have a go bag, just in case. Your kit should include the following.
- Name and contact information for your pet’s caregiver
- Name and contact information for your pet’s back-up caregiver
- A month’s worth of food, treats, leashes, toys and any other supplies necessary to care for your pet
- A month’s worth of your pet’s medications with instructions
- Clean food and water bowls
- A crate or carrier to transport your pet
- Vaccination records
- Collars with ID tags
- Daily care instructions
- Contact information for your veterinary clinic
Inform the Family. Make sure that everyone in your family knows the plan and can put it into play if necessary.
The more prepared you are, the more comfortable you’ll feel. Stay healthy and well, and be prepared.