Halloween Safety Tips for Your Pets
October 30, 2023
Tim Geen: A Career of Incredible Service
December 30, 2023November. When one thinks about this month, many things come to mind. From pumpkin spice lattes to fall themed photo shoots to scenic walks in the park, there’s something magical about the peak of fall. I suppose this zest for life builds up to one of the days that best symbolizes togetherness and family: Thanksgiving. For me, Thanksgiving is filled with many warm memories of going to Kansas or Arkansas to gather with family, eat delicious food, watch football, and simply reconnect. Over the past few years, my mom’s side of the family has combined Thanksgiving and Christmas into one gathering known as “Merry Giving with the Kennedys”. We do a simple gift exchange for adults and a much larger one for the grandchildren. It is good for the soul to see how happy the children are to receive gifts, and how for them, gratitude seems to come naturally. Likewise, our dogs and cats don’t need much to be thankful. As long as they are truly loved and close to their people, they haven’t a care in the world. For adults however, gratitude can be much more difficult to feel at times; often it seems we are better at complaining than giving thanks. This is not a problem at Tulsa SPCA! This year, more than ever, we have so much to be thankful for!
- Jennifer: “I’m grateful for all volunteers and fosters for making the time and dedication to our dogs and cats.”
- Lantz: “I’m grateful to be able to help provide Tulsa with dog food and medical attention in cases of cruelty and neglect.”
- Becky: “As a volunteer, I’m grateful for the great care all the staff and volunteers give to the animals and for giving them love as they await their forever homes.”
- AJ.: “I’m grateful to have the opportunity to expand peoples’ knowledge regarding vaccines and other medical care needs as they come into our clinic.”
- Natasha: “I love being able to help people receive services they would not otherwise be able to afford and for all those who give our dogs and cats loving homes.
- Dr. L: “I am especially grateful to provide a service to many folks who would not ordinarily have the means to do so. This makes for happy, healthy pets!”
- Jaslyne: “I’m grateful for people who donate items to our clinic—it makes our jobs that much easier.”
- Beth: “I’m grateful to help so many different animals in finding their forever homes.”
- Peggy: “I’m grateful to witness the animal-human bond people get from adopting and for being part of the process.”
- Lauren: “Most recently, I’m grateful several of our long-term stays have been adopted into loving families!”
- Lori: “I am so thankful for everyone who chooses to support our mission, and in such a variety of ways. We have supporters who financially support us, including our Faithful Friends monthly donors. For those who donate needed in-kind supplies, we thank you. Those who like to have fun and support us by attending events or donating to our raffles and auctions. We have numerous foundations who support a variety of special requests – including equipment and supplies. Corporations and churches too – they generously contribute. In the end, no matter how you choose to support us, it makes a statement that our mission aligns with your values. A million times over, thank you!”
- Mindy: “I am thankful for the generosity of our community. For 110 years the Tulsa community has allowed us to improve the lives of dogs and cats, and their human companions through their support. I am thankful for the staff and volunteers who come in every day to do work that is often difficult physically, mentally and emotionally. Thank you all for the gift of your time, talent and treasure which allows me to be a part of this work.
Finally, to sum it all up, we are grateful for you. Thank you for giving of your time, resources, talents, and energy in helping us fulfill our mission to improve the lives of dogs and cats, and their human companions. We simply could not thrive without your generosity and support. As 2023 comes to a close, we could really use your help to finish the year strong! We have many ways to give that meet any size budget. Click here to learn more. From us to you, we wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!